Inyouchuu: The Animation
Mikoto, Sui, and Yamato are all special classmates at a school gifted with magical powers that they use to cast away demons. Well, one day an extremely powerful demon captures them and sends them into his hidden world of tentacles, his only goal is to show them their true desires....
Alternative Name: -
Writer: -
Director: -
Category: 18 Restricted, Dating Sim - Visual Novel, Erotic Game, Female Student, Large Breasts, Nudity, Rape, Sex, Tentacle, Tragedy, Virginity
Tagges as: -
Date Added: Feb 14, 2014
Release on: -
Status: Completed
Rank: 16
Total views: 46195
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List of episodes for this anime
Ep. 2 - Episode 02
Feb 14, 2014
Ep. 1 - Episode 01
Feb 14, 2014