Shin Kyouhaku 2 The Animation

Shin Kyouhaku 2 The Animation

Akehime Saki has a beautiful girl who has an English mother. She has a secret. She is going out with her teacher, Tsuge Akito, and holding such an immoral secret makes her excited. However there is a figure looking at their acts. One day, Saki receives a phone. “Do not meet the man again, or else...” Although she is suspicious about the phone, she goes out with Akito not knowing there is a trap full of shame waiting for her...

Alternative Name: Shin Kyouhaku 2 The Animation: Kizu ni Saku Hana Senketsu no Kurenai

Writer: -

Director: -

Category: 18 Restricted, Bondage, Erotic Game, Female Student, Large Breasts, Nudity, Rape, Sex, Virginity

Tagges as: -

Date Added: Mar 06, 2015

Release on: -

Status: Completed

Rank: 76

Total views: 25270

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