The Rapeman
The main character and "anti-hero", The Rapeman, is a high school teacher by day and dispenses his surreal brand of "justice" at night under the business "Rapeman Services", which is co-run with his uncle, a former surgeon. He uses rape as his weapon. The business' motto is "Righting wrongs through penetration".
Alternative Name: -
Writer: -
Director: -
Category: 18 Restricted, Action, Bondage, Female Student, Housewives, mafia, Manga, Nudity, rapeThe forcing of someone to engage in sexual interaction without their consent., Sex
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Date Added: Feb 16, 2016
Release on: -
Status: Completed
Rank: 608
Total views: 4985
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List of episodes for this anime
Ep. 1 - Episode 01-02
Feb 16, 2016