Flutter of Birds II: Tenshi-tachi no Tsubasa

The miracle happens again… in another country - The son of an Englishman and a Japanese woman, our main character is Shin’ya. Having grown up in his father’s native land, he wanted to visit the homeland of his mother, who died when he was young. White snow covers the town of Kuramachi. His other hometown, the last trace of his mother. That is where his father and mother met and were married. And the time comes when Shin’ya’s wish is granted. His aunt Miyu says she’ll look after him at her church.. In his mother’s hometown, Shin’ya injures his leg and goes to a clinic. As Shin’ya stays in the small, snow-covered town, waiting for his leg to heal, he encounters various young women. His encounter with the girl in the clinic who likes to read, Narumi, becomes one he’ll never forget…
Alternative Name: La aventura de Shinya, flutter of birds II 天使たちの翼
Writer: -
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Date Added: Jul 04, 2013
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Status: Ongoing
Update Frequency: Unknown
Rank: 356
Total views: 9599
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List of episodes for this anime
Ep. 2 - Episode 2
Jul 04, 2013
Not yet rated
Ep. 1 - Episode 1
Jul 04, 2013
Not yet rated