Hatsu Inu

Hatsu Inu
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By chance, Fukaya became the lover of a very quiet and beautiful girl, Fujino, yet he worries about the vibrator she`s always carrying. "Perhaps, she considers me no more fondly than that vibrator?" In fact, their relationship began when he found her using a vibrator aboard a crowded train. Although they have passionate sex, he can`t be certain that she loves him, and feels threatened by her vibrator. Now, the two of them are going to a pool. As she will be unable to use the vibrator in the water, he expects they will be alone, but...

Alternative Name: Hatsuinu The Animation, The Animation

Writer: -

Director: -

Category: -

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Date Added: Jul 04, 2013

Release on: -

Status: Ongoing

Update Frequency: Unknown

Rank: 434

Total views: 7935

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